In addition to the OB Van, which is a production vehicle, 3D Project Studio offers a compact mobile video production equipment for live production, which is located in mobile rack mount suitcases. The equipment placed in the set, enables the installation and production of events that have a specific position and a limited budget for implementation. This is why 3D Studio can produce small budget events with limited space, meanwhile offering professional quality and HDTV broadcast signal. Many types of events (sports, musical, cultural etc.) have been produced with the help of our mobile video set. The sets also have many configurations which can be seen below.


Video System conf SPORT

 Video System conf STREAMING Video System conf BASIC


 Video sector:


4 x SONY PXW-Z280 ENG 4K Camera set;

3 x SONY PMW-EX1r ENG HDTV Camera set;

1 x SONY PMW-350r ENG HDTV Camera set;
3 x SONY BRC-330Z Robotic Camera System set;

4 x SONY SRG-X120 4K Robotic Camera System set;
2 x SONY ADR AS-200 Action Cam set;

2 x MARSHALL CV374 4K UHD Block Camera;
1 x SONY BRS-200 8CH HDTV Video Switcher (Mixer with 1.5 ME);
1 x SMART VIEW 4K Reference Monitor BlackMagic Design;
1 x CENTAR STAGE Video Wall and Projector Processor;
1 x PC HDTV Recoder based on Decklink Studio 4K BlackMagic Design;
1 x PC HDTV Titler based on Decklink Extreme 12G BlackMagic Design;
1 x PC HDTV Stream for FB, Youtube or web site based on Mini Recorder BlackMagic Design;
1 x PC HDTV Special processing graphics unit with 5 Inputs and 7 outputs;
1 x ATEM Talkback Studio Converter based on Optical connections;
4 x ATEM Talkback Camera Converter based on Optical connections;
2 x SONY LPC-3200 LCD XWGA Projectors 3500 Ansi/lum.
1 x UPS Power supply 3 hours independent work;


Audio sector:

1 x PRESONUS Studio Live 16.02 USB Digital Audio Mixer;

1 x ZOOM LiveTral L-12 Digital Audio Mixer;

2 x SONY UWP-D16 Wireless Microphone Set;

10 x BOYA Shootgun Microphones Set;

3 x SONIFLEX  8x8 DANTE in / out Stage Boxs;

1 x DBX S166 Stereo Master Audio Compressor, Limitter, Expander;
1 x AKG Digital Wireless Bug Microphone Set with 4 Mic Sets;
2 x AKG Hand-set Wireles Microphone;
5 x AKG Desktop Conference Microphone;
2 x Crown PT-1200 Stereo Amplifier 800W Power by Channel;
4 x JBL EON-19 Passive Audio Speakers;
2 x JBL PRX815XLFW Passive Audio Subwoofer Speakers;


GOPRO Camera with motor kid;
Drone GDI Espire 2 with X-5s Camera system in 1080i mode, direcly signal distibution to Video Mixer;
Camera Crane System 7.2 meter leight with two operators;
Camera Stady-Cam System with operator;


Signal Disribution Type:

4 x HDTV SDI-3G with Graphics and enbedded 4 Channel Audio;
1 x HDTV SDI-3G without Graphics and Enbedded 4 Channel Audio;
1 x SD SDI  with Graphics and enbedded 4 Channel Audio;
1 x SD SDI without Graphics and Enbedded 4 Channel Audio;
2 x HDTV HDMI 25p, 30p, 50p and 60p for Projectors and LED Screens;
2 x Internet Stream for Facebook, Youtube or Web Site with Graphics and 2 Audio Channels;
1 x XVGA (800x600, 1280x720, 1650x960, 1920x1080, 1024x720) for Projectors and LED Screen;


Telekom 1 Telekom 6 Telekom A1
City 6 City 5 City 4
A1 gaming 1 GameFest 1 A1 gaming 4
Mobile set 1 Mobile set 2 Mobile set 3
Mobile set 6 Mobile set 4 Mobile set 5
Mobile set 7 Mobile set 8 Mobile set 9
Mobile set 10 Mobile set 12 Mobile set 11